Humility outshines boastful behavior

The dictionary defines the word “humble” as having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance. Everyone hates a bragger, and while it is important to acknowledge your strengths and feel pride in your accomplishments, arrogantly promoting those victories is detrimental to yourself and the equally hardworking individuals around you.

We all want recognition for our achievements. After pouring hours of our time into studying for a test, preparing for a sports tournament or completing a passion project, it feels nice to be appreciated for our efforts. Behavioral psychologists believe human activities are derived from daily positive and negative reinforcement. But at what point does recognizing our successes become too much?

In a society centered on the self and triumphs attained by the individual, it is difficult to reach the virtue of humility, but it is not impossible. By choosing to refrain from gloating about our own endeavors, we create a healthier, more honest perception of ourselves and have more energy for encouraging others in their daily pursuits. When you exhibit humility, you attune yourself to the larger picture and realize that while you are important and should be celebrated, so should your neighbor, the mailman, your school principal and the kid sitting in the aisle across from you in math class.

Feb. 22 is Be Humble Day, and while the holiday has come and gone, you should strive to be humble each and every day. By uplifting others for the work they do to keep the world turning, you uplift your own sense of self and become a more empathetic, appreciative person.