The darkness of Black Friday

Mobs, murders, fights, kicking and screaming. It’s the start of the holidays.

Everyone across the U.S. surely looks forward to stuffing their stomachs with food this Thanksgiving and meeting with family members once again. But for some parents, couponers or bargainers, the day after is more exciting. This day has been called Black Friday.

Black Friday is the biggest clearance day held across the U.S. that is celebrated the day after Thanksgiving. During this event, people go wild and run to be the first to shelves, sometimes getting caught trampling workers or opening the shelves at a certain time.

People will even go as far as yanking people’s groceries out and running away with the stolen goods; some people have even been hurt or killed because of this.

According to the Independent News, over 100 people have been injured or killed on Black Friday since 2006, whether it was being trampled or attacked. Missouri is projected this year to be the fifth busiest state and ninth most violent.

Citizens must be sure to take all precautionary measures during and after shopping.

Last year, the Chesterfield police advised everyone to lock their cars and make sure passersby cannot see gifts inside the car because of break-ins in past years.

Even the NCPC (National Crime Prevention Council) is helping shoppers be safe with useful information.

They advise to not take more than you can carry to decrease the odds of being raided by other clearance hungry customers.

So this Black Friday, safety should be on your mind as much as shopping is.