13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why came out on March 31, 2017.

13 Reasons Why came out on March 31, 2017.

“13 Reasons Why” was released on March 31, 201,7 on Netflix, and it took off almost immediately. It is based on the realistic-fiction book of the same title by Jay Asher.

Hannah Baker is a normal teenage girl. A girl who just wants to be liked and to fit in. Who doesn’t? Everyone just wants to get through high school, not being judged or bullied—but in reality, that’s just not possible, and Hannah shows just a sliver of what it’s like. She leaves 13 tapes with reasons why she committed suicide. Well, more like people who made her do it. And she makes sure that all 13 of them will hear all the tapes.

This show is Hannah’s story. Not a representation of what high school is like. So for those who say that it’s so dramatic and not what high school is like at all— you’re lucky then. Even though this is a fiction story, the things she goes through are real. People do go through these things—maybe not all of them at the same time, but these are real issues. And if you don’t have to go through anything she did, more specifically what people like Hannah go through, be grateful. Depression is a real thing and has negative effects on people, some more extreme than others.

Despite the sometimes negative content, the cast and producers take the touchy subjects of depression, suicide and sexual abuse seriously. They made, in addition to the show, “13 Reasons Why: Beyond The Reasons,” which addresses all of those subjects and where to get help if it’s needed.

UPDATE: “13 Reasons Why” season two is in the making. Watch out world, the suspense returns.