‘H2O’ by Virginia Bergin will leave you thirsty for more

Set in a future apocalyptic world, Ruby, nicknamed Ru by her friends, is only 15 and has to grow up quickly or die. When Ruby was younger, a huge asteroid was barreling toward Earth and the government decided to send a missile to blow it up, saving Earth.

While people rejoiced, they never thought this would be their biggest mistake in history. The asteroid contained space bacteria that was released when the rock broke apart and it traveled into Earth’s atmosphere. It contaminated the clouds and also the rain. Once someone touches the rain, their skin burns and blisters, and they start to bleed profusely and eventually die.

At first Ruby is very immature and doesn’t think before she acts, but eventually she realizes how serious this situation is with the help of her step-father, Simon. Along the way she meets up with, whom she calls a nerdy-freckled freak, Darion. Before the epidemic, Ruby would’ve never spoken to him or even as so much as looked at him, but Darion and Ruby must work together to survive and to find her dad.

To me, the book was good, and I love apocalyptic worlds and survival stories like this. However, I was frustrated with Ruby mostly the entire book because it felt as if she didn’t really understand how serious the situation she’s in is–like going to raid fancy stores and wearing designer dresses and making sure her makeup is perfect all the time when she should be worrying about drinking water and food. This may be because she’s in denial of everything that has happened, but it goes on until the last chapter, which seems like she has just now opened her eyes.

The sequel is titled “The Storm,” and it looks like I’ll have to drive all the way to the closest Barnes & Noble to pick up a copy. Let’s hope I don’t get caught in a space bacteria-infested rain storm on the way.