ACT allows students to retake single sections


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As of September 2020 students will be able to retake individual sections of their choice on the ACT rather than retaking the entire test in an attempt to improve their score and ACT will provide colleges with a superscore that consists of the student’s best scores in each subject. Students will also be given the option to take the ACT online which will result in faster scoring.  

According to ACT officials, “Section retests provide students an opportunity to do so without having to take the entire ACT test over again, saving time and allowing them to focus on areas needing improvement.” 

Many students retake the ACT in an attempt to improve one or two sections in hopes of a higher score. Although retaking the test to improve only one or two sections the student would still have to study each subject to maintain their score in those subjects for their next retake. Retaking individual sections allows the student to focus on their hardest section and takes the stress away from maintaining their scores on the other sections.

According to ACT officials, “Based on our research, we believe section retesting showcases students’ skills and accomplishments gained over a lifetime and not only their test-taking abilities on one particular day.”

The ACT test, which takes less than a day, determines where students would potentially go to college and opens up a limited amount of scholarship opportunities. ACT officials determined that one test does not adequately represent a student’s ability to perform academically.

According to ACT officials, “Selecting students’ best scores from any test attempt results in the most valid indicator of a student’s preparedness for future success and therefore provides evidence supporting section retesting.” 

The superscore provides colleges an understanding of the student’s academic accomplishments. As a result, the students could qualify for more scholarships and students may gain more college opportunities as they won’t be limited by an ACT score lowered by a score on a single section.

“Students come first at ACT,” Suzana Delanghe, ACT chief commercial officer said, “and these groundbreaking new options will directly benefit them, providing more choices, and improved testing experience, and a better opportunity to showcase their readiness and reach their maximum potential.”

ACT officials have decided this new form of testing will be highly beneficial to the students taking the test.  Extensive research has been provided by ACT to support their decision in changing the way students take the ACT explaining this will not change the curriculum but will save time and give students the chance to focus on a specific section they are having difficulty with.

“The ACT test will remain the same valid, reliable indicator of student readiness for success in college that it has always been,” Delanghe said, “One that is based on 60 years of research and measures what’s taught in the classroom.”