Emma Winger spreads positivity to peers


Photo Submitted By Emma Winger

A post by junior Emma Winger shares a positive message with her followers. “I spread positivity to others because I know how it feels to not have positivity,” Winger said. “ …For me, seeing other people spread positivity makes me happier, so I want to give off the same feeling to other people.”

Junior Emma Winger has taken it upon herself to help those around her feel more confident by spreading positive messages to her peers through social media. Winger uses platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram to spread her positive messages and to remind others to always smile and love themselves. 

Winger decided to share these uplifting messages in November of 2020. She does so to help others be the happiest version of themselves they can be and to remind them daily of their worth.

“I spread positivity to others because I know how it feels to not have positivity,” Winger said. “ …For me, seeing other people spread positivity makes me happier, so I want to give off the same feeling to other people.”

Winger’s drive to make others feel good about themselves has also come from a place in her life where she lacked the confidence she now has. 

“…It’s taken me a long time to feel confident, but it’s the way I have improved myself, the people around me and seeing positive things on my social media to be confident in myself,” Winger said. “I don’t want anyone to feel the way I did because it truly stinks and no one deserves that.”

Despite her struggle with confidence in the past, she now feels more confident than ever and uses her own experience to help others in the same boat. She also uses her past to get through any backlash she may receive and to keep pushing forward to help others. 

“When I post, I have gotten some mean comments, but even through the mean comments I think that not caring what they say is what matters most,” Winger said. “You just have to shut out the negative things about yourself out and bring the good things in.”

Winger’s experience with negative feedback has only made her stronger and more motivated to lift others up. All of the positive comments she gets also helps push her to continue spreading love. 

“Getting positive feedback has made me want to post even more…I just love the feeling of every post I post. Not only does it make me feel more confident, but it makes other people feel confident and know that they are perfect the way they are,” Winger said. 

Positive messages like the ones Winger shares help those who may be struggling in silence. Spreading positivity is an important thing to do, and it can start with a simple social media post. Many students have allowed Winger to inspire them to spread positivity to others and keep the cycle going, which can remind others and yourself to stay confident and remember your worth. 

“Everyone needs to know they are beautiful and they are worthy enough to be in this world,” Winger said. “Repeat to yourself what truly makes you amazing, then you’ll know you’re amazing.”