Leadership hosts winter sports assembly for juniors, seniors


Photo by Julia Craven.

Senior Lindsey Titter waves to the crowd as she is being acknowledged. Lindsey is a senior on the varsity cheer team at WHS.

On Wednesday November 17, WHS Leadership hosted a pep assembly to honor and announce winter sports and the seniors on those teams. Each assembly is planned to ensure that it will fit the amount of time the leadership class and pep assembly committee are given to perform. Aside from announcing the seniors, there was many different events and other games that were performed during the assembly.

For example, after the brain bowl team was honored for all of their great achievements these last few weeks, the pep assembly leaders introduced a new game called ‘the cup game.’ The rules of the cup game is to play with a partner and listen to the leader, which informs you of which body part of your own that you should touch before the announcer says cup, in which both partners compete to grab the cup the fastest and the person with the cup moves on to the next round to further compete. The winner of the cup game this time around was senior Lucas Newhouse.

After the eventful cup game, the pep assembly leaders introduced a new game taking three volunteers from the crowd. The volunteers that were selected was senior Douglas Holcomb and juniors Parker Kelpe and Brooke Holtmeyer. All that the volunteers knew is that three long pieces of paper would be involved. Once they were down to the floor, they were instructed to stand on the end of a piece of paper, which they eventually were instructed to lay down on, and roll themselves up in it like a burrito. The first person to reach the other side of the gym was the winner, which was Holcomb.

All of the fun aside, the pep assembly was all fun and games and it’s always a great way to get our student body aware of all the activities happening at WHS. I can’t wait to see what leadership has in store for our next pep assembly at WHS and I hope to see you there. #BlueJayPride.