Student becomes new student board representative
On Wednesday, Jan. 23, junior Tristan Zeh was sworn in as 2019’s student representative for the School District of Washington Board of Education.
“I hope to help give insight to the other board members,” Zeh said, “and be someone that can help the school board make decisions that benefit the students in ways that they might not have thought of before.”
Serving a one year term, Zeh is now the WHS student voice at board meetings. Student representatives are responsible for attending monthly meetings and delivering a report about activities at the high school.
“I was told that I might be a good fit, so that’s how I became interested in it,” Zeh said. “I’m not really head of anything in any of the clubs I’m involved in.”
Despite his lack of experience, Zeh hopes to step up to the challenge when taking the place of senior Sophie Kortiz.
“It sounded like something where I could take more of a leadership type role,” Zeh said. “I was interested in taking that opportunity.”
Willa Reust is a senior, and this is here third year on staff. Outside of newspaper, she enjoys listening to music, reading, spending time with her friends...