NJROTC hosts Fourth Annual Military Ball
On Feb. 2, 2019, the Fourth Annual Military Ball, hosted by the Washington NJROTC Booster Club, was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, honoring former veterans and current NJROTC members.
“It’s fun for all people involved,” senior Logan Edgington said. “It shows support for the unit, and it shows support for us.”
Speakers at the event included NJROTC instructor MSgt. Tim Gates and guest LCDR Matthew R. Coulter. In MSgt. Gates’ speech, he thanked the Booster Club, the NJROTC students and both Borgia and Washington School Districts.
“The point of the ball is to thank the people who helped fund the program,” senior Nicholas Rucker said, “because we are not exactly funded right now because we don’t have enough students right now, so it is definitely important to thank and recognize them.”
After the speeches, a single table was set out to remember POWs (Prisoners of War) and those who remain MIA (Missing in Action).
“It speaks to me every year,” senior Logan Buchanan said, “about missing soldiers and the ones who have died in battle. It’s always heart touching, and it’s a very respectful ceremony to do for the fallen ones.”
After dinner, Replies to Toasts were given to the Commander in Chief, United States Flag, United States and all branches of the United States military, and then ended with a dance.
“With the Toast,” Buchanan said, “I think it’s good every year because it gets to announce the ones who have served in each branch and it allows to promote service to the branches that are being talked about.”

George is a senior at Washington High School, and this is his first year on staff. He likes to learn about WWII history and play Halo.