WHS hosts Color Run/Walk
On May 10, WHS will hold the Third Annual Color the Campus Fun Run/Walk.
“Key Club, National Honors Society and Student Council are helping with volunteers to help for that day,” special education teacher Samantha Loepker said, “but Key Club is definitely a big help putting the event together.”
Awards and prizes will be given out to men and women who finished first overall for their age group.
“It will start at six o’clock and they just do the little over the two-mile course,” Loepker said, “and afterward, there will be an award ceremony and some prizes for the most colorful, then best Blue Jay Pride.”
The age groups are 9 and under, 10-13, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60 and older.
“It’s for a great cause,” Loepker said. “There will be snow cones and the weather is going to be nice for that, and it’s just great for any age like little kids, to teenagers, to adults–everybody has a good time”
If the entry fee is paid by April 26, the price for children 5 and under will be $10; for students 6-18, the price will be $15; and for adults, the price will be $20. If the entry fee is received after April 26, the price will be $25. Checks can be sent payable to Washington High School.
“If you register by April 26, then you definitely get a t-shirt,” Loepker said, “and then after that, it’s kind of hit or miss–whenever we run out, we run out.”
All proceeds benefit the Al Matzes Memorial Scholarship.
“It is an event to fund the Al Matzes Memorial Scholarship,” Loepker said, “which is a scholarship that is available to all seniors.”

George is a senior at Washington High School, and this is his first year on staff. He likes to learn about WWII history and play Halo.