How to stay motivated when you’re learning online
As the days of online learning begin, many students may have trouble completing assignments on time and staying on task, but with this list of tips on how to stay focused, students will be better prepared for the weeks of online schooling ahead.
- Wake up and eat a good breakfast. This step is a very important one if you want to make sure you have enough energy to power through all of your assignments, so eat a decent breakfast before you start your work.
- Go through your backpack and set up your workspace. Make sure you look through your papers and recycle any that are old or you don’t need. You can also set up any supplies you might need like your Chromebook or calculator in a designated area.
- Go through your classes one at a time. Start with your first hour and work from there, writing down any assignments you have to do in your planner or notebook. Check your email, Schoology or Google Classroom for any messages you might have received from your teachers.
- Remove any distractions. Make sure you’re working in a clean area with nothing laying around to distract you from your work, and try to put your phone as far away as possible to avoid looking at it and getting distracted.
- Get to work. Start working on whatever assignment you want and keep going after that. Try to switch between shorter and longer assignments so you can get as much work done as possible.
- Take breaks. If you need to get up and take short breaks to just walk around or eat, do so, but avoid taking too much time on breaks so you stay as motivated as possible.
- Put everything away and keep it organized. Once you’re done, put everything back so you can easily sort through it and start working again the next day.
About the Contributor

Emma Busch, Entertainment Editor
Emma Busch is a senior at Washington High School this year. She is the Entertainment Editor for The Advocate, and she is also involved in theater, concert...