Favorite Thanksgiving foods at WHS
With Thanksgiving comes a variety of foods that are hard to choose between. From traditional tryptophan rich turkey to delicious marshmallow covered sweet potato casseroles. From pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes to pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce. And those are just the most popular choices for the holiday feast. During the Thanksgiving season, the Advocate polled WHS students from their Instagram page on their favorite Thanksgiving foods.
The first poll was between turkey, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, and dinner rolls. With a total of 46 students polled, seven students voted for stuffing and sweet potato casserole each. 12 students voted for turkey, and the winner of the poll was dinner rolls with 22 votes.
We polled students as to whether they preferred white or dark meat, regardless of what kind, there was also an option for if a student didn’t like meat at all. Two students said they didn’t like meat, 12 voted in favor of dark meat, and 32 students voted for an overwhelming consensus that white meat was the best choice.
The final poll was between green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, or ham. Only one student voted in favor of cranberry sauce, seven voted for ham, 14 voted for green bean casserole and an overwhelming 23 voted in favor of pumpkin pie.
With that the general consensus for Washington’s favorite Thanksgiving foods seems to be weighted towards dinner rolls, white meat, and pumpkin pie. But, whether you were in the minority or the majority in any of these polls, adding something new to your plate if you’re able next Thanksgiving should be on your list of priorities. After all, with so many popular choices to prepare for a Thanksgiving feast and to have, who can really pick a favorite?

Kyle is a senior reporter and is involved in Quiz Bowl and Link Crew. He's in the FRCC Teaching Careers program and likes to write, play D&D with his...