Small Acts to Save the Environment

Plastic and trash pollution in the ocean

Many products or actions used in people’s everyday lives are being found to be harmful to the planet. While it can be hard to alter people’s lifestyle, there’s a few alternatives to these purchases and behaviors that may seem small, but could make a big difference. 

Something that is used almost every day is cars. However driving can actually be very harmful because of the gas used and emitted from them. Electric cars are an optimistic solution to this problem however they aren’t currently readily available and perfected. Some alternatives to driving are public transportation or riding a bike. This can be a big inconvenience for some, so a way to cut down on the cars and gas used is to carpool when multiple people are going to the same place.

Fast fashion is a business that has a detrimental impact on the environment. It can cause major pollution, has a large greenhouse gas emission and has a large use of synthetic materials. A great shopping alternative for the environment is thrifting. Thrifting is now becoming a trend and has many positives. Someone can find second hand clothes that are still in good condition for an affordable price. It’s also a great idea to donate clothes to thrift stores, that way the clothes can be re-worn or repurposed by someone new. 

Something else that harms the environment is one-use products. One example is plastic water bottles. Plastic water bottles are the cause of death for many marine animals. They are not biodegradable and can take centuries to completely break down. An easy fix is purchasing a reusable water bottle. Another harmful one-use product is plastic bags such as shopping bags. When purchasing a small item, it would be better for the environment to decline a bag and carry the item out. Investing in tote bags to bring when shopping to use instead of the plastic bags from the store is also a good idea. Plastic straws are a similar story, and declining them at restaurants or buying glass or reusable straws decreases the plastic waste in the environment. 

Another small action that can help the environment is watching the amount of water run from faucets. Taking long showers or running water for a long time is a large energy use and can waste a lot of water. So, shorting showers or not letting the faucet run the entire time while brushing teeth can help the environment. 

While some of these things could be inconvenient or sacrifices they ultimately help the planet, which millions of people live and depend on. Even acts that seem small and insignificant can make a difference in the fight for a healthier planet.