The book Flawed, written by Cecelia Ahern, is a book released in March of 2016. It follows Celestine North as she faces the problems in her society after being branded “Flawed” in a government sponsored court. Celestine is the daughter of a prestigious news director and a worldwide top model, so naturally she is expected to uphold the core values of the Guild’s Flawed Court. The Guild is a government partnered and government sponsored morality court, which punishes people who make “moral crimes” against society. When a person is found “Flawed”, which has a high likelihood of happening, they are branded with a hot poker in the shape of an uncirculated “F” in one of five places. On the right side of the forehead, if the moral crime is having thoughts against society. Over the heart, if the crime is having ill will towards society. On the right palm, for turning your hand against society. On the tongue for lying to society. Lastly, on the soule of your foot for walking against society. Normally, only one of the brands has happened at a time for most of the “Flawed” population, some gaining new brands if they commit new moral crimes, with the maximum amount doled out at once being two.
This book has numerous qualities running in its favor for me. The characters in it make decisions and actions that feels natural based on earlier actions and the consequences that came with them. The story is well written and the storyline feels like it takes natural turns into dramatic scenes and sequences. The biggest gripe that I had with the book was that I could not get enough of it. I truly could not recommend this book enough, especially to readers that might be hesitant to read a dystopian novel, as it really introduced me to the wonders of the dystopian genre. If you ever feel like trying something new, I would definitely give Flawed by Cecelia Ahern a shot.