The right way to clean your bedroom

Bedrooms. We all have them, and whether you spend most of your time in your room doing homework or laying in bed looking at social media, or only go in there to sleep every night, a clean bedroom is a necessity for it to be fully functional. Cleaning your room, especially when you go weeks without actually seeing most of the floor, can be hard because the thought of having to go through everything in your room and find a cohesive place for it to go is appalling. But with some determination and a lot of self motivation, you can easily deep clean your bedroom like a pro.

The first step is to get yourself in the mindset to clean, so clear a large chunk of your day, preferably when no when else is home so you can clean in peace, and turn on whatever music (if you want any) to help you forget the fact that you have to do work.

Next you should clear off your bed and wash all of your sheets. You could even rotate your mattress, as this allows it to last longer because it will not wear down as fast since you will be sleeping on the opposite end of the mattress. You will also need to put new sheets and blankets on or wait until the other ones are washed.

Now you should look around your room for any dirty clothes that need to go into the laundry, and also trash and recycling that can easily be thrown out and put into a bin. At this time, if you have any clothes that are clean and laying around, you can hang them up or put them away. After you have all of the larger things off of the floor, you can start cleaning the smaller and miscellaneous items up.

Once the floor is done, you can move on to all of the surfaces and finding proper homes for all the misplaced items on your shelves, dresser or nightstand. You can also wipe down all of the surfaces, along with the things that belong on them like lamps or other decorations.

Finally, the last things to do are wiping down windows and mirrors, dusting light fixtures and any other hard to reach areas, and sweeping vacuuming or mopping. Once that’s done, you can take care of anything else you might have missed and then you’re finished.

Taking the time to clean your room can take some pushing, but in the end it is extremely rewarding to be able to do whatever you want in your freshly cleaned room.