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The student news site of Washington High School

The Advocate

The student news site of Washington High School

The Advocate

The student news site of Washington High School

The Advocate

Kaylee Karll

Kaylee Karll, Opinions Editor

Kaylee Karll is a senior at Washington High School. This is her third year on the Advocate staff and she is taking on the roll of the Opinions Editor. In her free time Kaylee enjoys reading, spending time with loved ones and participating in or watching sports.

All content by Kaylee Karll
High School in a Nutshell

High School in a Nutshell

Kaylee Karll, Opinion’s Editor
May 23, 2022
	Students dance the night away at a Courtwarming 2.0 dance held by Washington High School seniors. “I loved that there was always someone on the dance floor, there was never a dull moment,” sophomore Malayjah Hellebusch said. “Being a freshman in the prime year of COVID, I never got to experience a regular school dance. With these 2.0 dances, I’ve gotten a better insight into how school dances will hopefully look like in the near future.” After two successful dances, seniors have donated over $200 to charities and hope to hold one more event before the end of the school year.

Living in the Spotlight

Kaylee Karll, Opinion’s Editor
February 28, 2022
Snow Day Recipes

Snow Day Recipes

Kaylee Karll, Opinions Editor
January 31, 2022

What does Veterans Day Mean to WHS?

Kaylee Karll, Opinions Editor
November 11, 2021

What does Veterans Day Mean to WHS?

Kaylee Karll, Opinions Editor
November 11, 2021
Future Teachers of WHS

Future Teachers of WHS

Kaylee Karll, Opinions Editor
October 25, 2021
WHS Participates in PJ's for Coltyn

WHS Participates in PJ’s for Coltyn

Kaylee Karll, Opinions Editor
September 28, 2021
A recently built Planet Fitness, located in Washington, Mo., has been a hot spot for people of all ages to start or continue their fitness journey. “I really enjoy this gym because it is way cheaper than other gyms in town and they have lots of different machines and workout options," junior Lydia Maune said. “The gym is also fairly targeted for beginners so it was very easy to get started.” Planet Fitness is one of the largest and fastest growing fitness centers in the United States, with at least one location in each state.

Happy, Healthy Life

Kaylee Karll, Reporter
March 19, 2021
Protecting Our Planet

Protecting Our Planet

Kaylee Karll, Reporter
February 28, 2021
The Giving Trees

The Giving Trees

Kaylee Karll, Reporter
December 21, 2020
Junior Cady Koch shoots at clay pigeons during the MYSSA Fall Classic Shooting Sports event in Columbia MO. “I am most proud of the team because we were only going for personal best since none of us had shot skeet or sporting clays before and we got a trophy as a bonus,” Koch said. “Madi Ridder and Morgan Gratza are some of the best teammates someone could ask for.” Koch has been a part of the FFA since her freshman year.

FFA Fights Back

Kaylee Karll, Reporter
November 2, 2020
A WHS scholar bowl team poses with their fourth place trophy at Washington University on Feb. 15. “Mr. Dennis puts it like this: 'Pick a subject, learn it, know it, hit the button,'” sophomore Silas Clements said. This same day, senior Audrey Bush was awarded with a 10th place scoring medal from the preliminary bracket.

Scholar Bowl scores again

Kaylee Karll, Reporter
February 24, 2020
Back to school motivation

Back to school motivation

Kaylee Karll, Reporter
January 16, 2020
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